
Welcome to the blackack online school offered b catal . This is a definitive guide to blackack

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The 3 rules of Casino2K to play blackack

  1. Play blackack
  2. Always use basic strategy tables
  3. NEVER get into debt for gambling, for any reason

The game of blackack in casinos around the world. Despite this, its origin still remains doubtful.

According to many, it was born in Europe as a game of twenty one , and then land in America in the days of the old W Moderna Blackack

The charm of the blackack: whoever makes 21 or gets as close to this score as possible wins without obviously overcoming it, otherwise the player " busts "and lose automatically.

For simplicity we put a list of casinos that have the game of blackack:

# Casino ADM Feature Min / Max Info
1 StarCasino
  • Bonus: 1000
  • Min: 0.10 Min
  • Butx: 1000$
2 Snai
  • Bonus: 2405
  • Min: 0.10 Min
  • Butx: 1000$
3 888
  • Bonus: 520
  • Min: 1.00$
  • Butx: 9000$
4 NetBet
  • Bonus: 610
  • Min: 0.01 Min
  • Butx: 1000$
5 B Casino
  • Bonus: 200
  • Min: 0.20 Min
  • Butx: 500$
6 LeoVegas
  • Bonus: 1000
  • Min: 0.10 Min
  • Butx: 10000$
7 Big Casino
  • Bonus: 3055
  • Min: 0.10 Min
  • Butx
8 Betflag
  • Bonus: 1050
  • Min: 0.10 Min
  • Butx: 1000$
9 Betfair
  • Bonus: 1025
  • Min: 0.50 Min
  • Butx: 5000$
10 GD Casino
  • Bonus: 500
  • Min: 1.00$
  • Butx: 10000$


The scores and the basic rules of the game of blackack

The score it is very simple to calculate:

  • numbered cards retain their value;
  • the figures (king, woman and infantryman) are worth 10;
  • the ace is worth 1 or 11 points (the choice is up to the player).

The bench, in the figure of the " croupier ", must adhere to two rules in the course of the game:

  1. if the cards in his possession have a value of 16 or less he must call another card;
  2. if the value is equal to or greater than 17 it must stop.

These basic rules of the game they make the dealer more predictable for players and help them in choosing their strategies.

500 $

Welcome Bonus

1005 $

Welcome Bonus

150 $

Welcome Bonus

Continuing in reading this guide, you will find some useful tips on how to play.

The winning hand in the game is given by the " Blackack ", or an ace and a 10-point card ( if you get 21 points with more cards, for example 6+7+8 it simply says 21, and is lower than the blackack ).

By having a blackack

How is blackack

You must score 21 points with two cards, an Ace and a figure.

The player, if he receives with the first distribution 2 same cards ( two kings, two 10s, etc.) it can carry out the " SPLIT " that̀ split the 2 cards and play 2 hands at the same time; in case of two Aces division is allowed but the player can call only one additional card.

If instead with the first 2 cards realize between 9 and 11 points , can ask for a double bet, but in this case can only ask for another additional card.

In case the dealer uses an ace as the first card, the players can ask for a' Insurance , or bet a sum, equal to half of the initial bet, on the dealer's ability to make a Blackack

300 $

Welcome Bonus

200 $

Welcome Bonus

1025 $

Welcome Bonus

Le main differences that can be found in the game in the various casinos are:

  1. number of decks used ( in Europe usually 6, in Las Vegas it depends on the casino but you also get to only 2 decks )
  2. ability to split cards (up to a maximum of 3 times, excluding axes that can only be separated once).

Another important difference between the european game and that American it is that in Europe usually the cards are face up ( 2 for each player and 1 for the croupier ) instead in Las Vegas you can find casinos where players ' cards are covered.

There are several winning strategies of the game : the most used are based on tables of the blackack which calculate the probability of a card's exit in relation to the cards in the player's hand, or on the card counting get out until then ( the second is a clearly winning strategy, but that only a few can adopt for obvious reasons of difficulty ).

1050 $

Welcome Bonus

1000 $

Welcome Bonus

1000 $

Welcome Bonus


The blackack

Undoubtedly among the various card games known in the world, blackack

This is because the blackack and mystery , component that accompanies different games of chance, peppered as they are with real stories, but also with myths and legends that accompany their origins and their development over the centuries.

So too the game of blackack, in France in the 1700s it was known by the name of "Twenty-one” , has managed to keep its gaming fame unaltered to this day "beautiful and damned” , loved and hated by ordinary people, as well as celebrities, used by families as a pastime and studied by professionals to try to find the best system to maximize results.

Its origins Moderna not really clear have surrounded this card game of a halo of mystery that has remained intact over the centuries, passing from land-based casinos and coming to our days to the brand new versions in online casinos, brought directly to every single house of modern bettors.

The strength of the blackack simplicitỳ , which has remained the same as it was originally, as modern online versions do not deviate Moderna from those used by live casinos over the centuries.

Indeed, we can safely say that the blackack “physical” from your home, allows you to have available countless variations among which you can choose. And, not indifferent matter, you can have unlimited time to make your own choices.


Playing blackack An honest challenge against the bench

Like any self-respecting game of chance, blackack; "the sense of challenge”, but unlike other games of the genre, here the challenge is one against the dealer, not against other players.

In fact, the various players who find themselves inside a casino at the same table, will not have to compete with each other, but rather each will start their own personal challenge against the croupier, or dealer that you want, in other words, the competition takes place face to face with the dealer.

There are therefore no direct challenges between bettors here, around the table to practice this game there may be up to 7 bettors at the same time, but the goal of each of them will be to tick it only with the croupier.

Thanks to its elementary rules and game settings, once you learn the basics you can experience all the versions of blackack

The rules of the game are in fact the same and accompany all variants by blackack , except for slight changes that remain easy to understand.

Playing the game

The game starts with your stake and of all the other players of the table, after which the croupier will deal the cards face up to all present, while for one face down and the other face up.

Playing blackack , the important thing is to score a high enough score so as to exceed the one made by the dealer, your ultimate goal is in fact this and it is what you must never lose sight of.

As soon as the game begins, you will need to immediately focus on how to continue, whether to stop because you have a high enough score to be able to beat the dealer by passing the hand to the player next to you, or whether to call another card by making the due calculations on your chances of ”busting"

We could say that to practice blackack , more than other games of chance, as you will be called to make very important choices, such as stand, ask card, bet, double (we will deepen this terminology in rules of blackack ), which, although assisted by the classic dose of luck, will condition your entire game strategy.

This is absolutely not to say that you should enter a casino with blackack

Do you feel ready to take on your new adventure in the fantastic world of online casinos? Then arm yourself with all your desire to play, to learn and to enjoy all the emotions that the game of blackack


The blackackack free without registration and blackack

Playing blackack although sometimes it is not so convenient, why instant no deposit bonuses they have the constraint of the plaththrough to complete, very difficult rock to overcome in blackack

Play without registration , instead, you can but do not play money. To be able to do it use the demo of the blackack to train and understand the game.

So playing blackackack for free with money is possible,but it is difficult to turn the fun bonus into a real bonus and then withdraw it because the contribution percentage of the plath

I know if you take the free 10$ and you want to withdraw them, with a pla pla through, for example of 30 times, you have to play these 10$ not-for-30 times, but for 300 times, so in a nutshell you have to make bets for a total of 3,000 episodes Of course it is not impossible but really difficult and long. I know better to lose hours and hours of play play without bonuses and withdraw your winnings immediately ? The difficult choice is yours.


Comment - 3



I see with pleasure that I am not the only one who sees in the Blackack I have seen that more and more in the last period of the New Zealand companies are focusing a lot on mobile and tablet apps and I see something really exciting in this. Sometimes in the evening I'm tired and even just keep the laptop on my legs in bed is tiring and I would have liked to have a tablet, since I tried with the mobile phone, but given my heavy myopia, It does not allow me to see well and so I would like to ask you which is the most suitable tablet to play and which according to you at the moment the best Black app The idea of being able to play comfortably sprawled on the bed or why not, at the sea on the cot entices me a lot. I want to point out that I am not a game sick, but since it is a way to relax for me, I find the idea of being able to play when I am actually relaxing brilliant. Good luck to ever!

HelloonnOnn grazie, thank you for your comment as a gambling enthusiast and especially the game of blackack We really like this interpretation of yours when you say that you “play for fun” and in fact this is the spirit with which gambling should always be approached, whether you intend to play blacack There are many players who instead lose sight of the fun factor, shifting their purpose only to winning, which can cause problems over the long distance, but not necessarily these players are impulsive and not very patient subjects. The fact that you are not very thoughtful by nature does not necessarily have to be a problem, of course the game of blackack Basically, whether you are a professional, aspiring, or simple amateur, in a game like that of blackack Simple, immediate, fast, convenient, all features that make that, if roulette is the "Queen of the casino", the blackack



Hello guys, congratulations for your site, done very well and pleasant to read even by those who do not have great experiences in the field of gambling like me. If I have to say it all about an online casino I ended up by chance the first time a year ago about and always out of pure curiosity I started playing blackack I also wanted to take advantage of the bonuses offered by the casino and free games to try other games, but the game of blackack I am not by nature very patient or reflective and I know perfectly well that this does not fit a great deal to a good player but I take the game only and exclusively as fun and in the blackack The blackackack is an immediate game as well as simple, addictive, exciting, the graphics of today's online casinos are incredible, the casino I play most often and of which I will not say the name because I'm not here to advertise to anyone, it's really done well, it seems to be inside a land-based casino really. I believe that if taken in the right way this is a game that can really entertain everyone, hello.

The game generates pathological dependence.

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